Friday, November 25, 2011

BSG video shoot photos taken 1-2 weeks ago

Erison tagged me in this photo just ytd, he's sitting #likaboss

Kelly and I in the study room doing tutorials/talking/webcamm-ing, love this girl

...and so course selection is over and my choices are 1. business 2. logistics and operational management 3. marketing! I hope I get into my first choice which is business even though I'll only get to do my specializations in sem 2.2 next year. 29th shall be the day, gna hope for the best! :)

MST is in 2-3 weeks time and I haven't started on my revision. I wish doing tutorials alone is sufficient... POM and sociology quiz are down, now there's only biz stats and sociology test left before MST. I want at least a B+ for both tests pls!!!

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