Monday, April 1, 2013

Taiwan (2)

if you ever go to taiwan, you have to try their tea eggs! 7-11 and other convenience stalls sells them and i promise you it's really nice!!!!!!!! only $0.50 each if i'm not wrong. bought some instant noodles too back to but i've yet try them.

our hotel room! this is what you see right after you open the door. imagine yourself entering your own bedroom. yes, it's that size, that small. paid about $250 for 3d2n! incase you're interested, my sis and i stayed at "hotel 73".

every night, it takes me hours just to fall asleep. like say i go to bed at 12-ish and fall asleep only at 4am. not because i'm not tired but because i was so damn scared?! #paranoidasalways. but everything's good! no complains about the place and since it's situated near the mrt, it was very convenient to travel around.

because we are lazy, we had our dinner settled at a street nearby our hotel - yong kang street. food's not too bad (tbh i can't tell what's nice and what's not, everything's so-so to me) and the yummiest of it all is the fried prawn roll!!! 

took a train to the famous night mkt - shilin! their train's more or less similar to the one we have in sgp except that it's so much quieter inside the cabin. people don't talk (even if they do, they talk so softly that you can barely hear any noise), i like!

look at their train ticket! it's so cool because it's not a ticket kind of ticket if you get what i mean. to enter, we tap it like an ezlink card on the reader and when exiting, we drop it into the coin slot (instead of tapping it this time round).

here's a few shots at shilin night mkt~ quite a pity that we didn't eat alot... all i remember myself getting was just a cup of bbt and a bowl of mee sua, nothing else. not even 1/2 of what i planned to try. what an unfulfilling trip because we are supposed to be there to wipe out all the famous food! :(

also, the taiwanese are really nice and friendly people. everyone smiles! unlike here in sgp where everyone's frowning or having that typical expression-less look. weather there is absolutely awesome too. love it! for the 3 days there, the weather's about 16-18 degrees at night and when the wind blows... god i felt like dying.

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