Saturday, March 16, 2013

Max Brenner Chocolate Bar @ I12 Katong 

@ RP earlier today from 9.30am all the way till 5.15pm to do ushering and I thought it was pretty boring at the beginning, doing all the rehearsals and stoning in their comfy LT (their seats are cushion seats unlike the ones we have in TP, how lucky the students are), fighting against my heavy eyelids... but who knew the second half of the conference, which is the dialogue session, was rather interesting whereby different grassroots leader, religious leader, and even students raised questions for the MP. I can't believe I actually listened to it but anyway, a boy from Hwa Chong was asking smth along this line, "are we a country with racial harmony, or is it just racial tolerance which we have built up?" (this is not what he said word-for-word but it's more or less the question he has for the MP/panel members) and the MP got the audience to vote with the result of 50-50 #interesting #didn'texpectit.

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